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Writer's pictureBiswajit Sahoo

Does Creatine damages your kidney?

The white powder which is suggested by your coach or trainer do you feel safe to consume. As there are a lot of sayings about this powder in the fitness industry we should understand what it is & how it works in our bodies?

Yes, I am talking about creatine which looks like an illegal drug.

What is Creatine & how does it work in our body?

Creatine is an organic compound that is produced in our liver, kidney & pancreas. This is transported through our blood to our skeletal muscles to provide energy. Creatine is derived from two amino acids Glycine & Arginine.

Now you might have a question in your mind if our body can produce it, why do we need to supplement it?

For this, we have to understand how creatine works in our body?

So our body has three energy pathways?

-Phosphagen system gives us immediate energy for explosive movements like a 100mtr sprint.

-Glycolytic (Anaerobic system)- This derives energy from carbohydrates that are helpful for us in a 1500mtr race.

-Oxidative (Aerobic system)- This derives energy from carbohydrates & fats which is helpful for us during a marathon.

The energy that is derived from these pathways is known as ATP. ATP ( Adenosine Triphosphate) is also known as the body's energy currency.

Here we will only discuss the Phosphagen pathway as the topic is related to creatine.

ATP has 3 molecules of phosphate in it, which are attached to each other with a very strong bond. It produces energy & a by-product called ADP ( Adenosine Diphosphate) as these bonds are broken.

Our body has phosphocreatine & creatine phosphate in it. This phosphocreatine has a single molecule of phosphate in it. In presence of an enzyme called creatine kinase creatine phosphate donates it single molecule of phosphate to ADP to form ATP.

But unfortunately, there is a very limited quantity of phosphocreatine in our body which lasts for only 10 secs. As this reaction is a single-step reaction so it is very quick.

Our body cannot store too many ATP molecules in the body. That’s why when there are excess ATP molecules in our body it combines with creatine molecules to form creatine phosphate.

This is where the role of supplement creatine comes into play. More creatine means more creatine phosphate which will eventually help us to replenish ATP for a longer duration.

Which form of creatine is best for us?

In the supplement market, you will get a variety of creatine like:

-Creatine Ethyl Ester

-Creatine Monohydrate

-Creatine Hydrochloride

-Buffered creatine

-Creatine Magnesium Chelate

Out of which buffered creatine is the costliest one & creatine monohydrate is the cheapest one. But the costliest one is not always the best one. The companies often sell by labeling them that it contains a special formula. But researchers say that all form of creatine has the same amount of effect on our body. So it is advisable to have creatine monohydrate & save some bucks.

While buying make sure that the ingredients section only has creatine monohydrate in it.

How to have this?

Few people think that it should be taken before a workout to derive its maximum benefit of it. Bcoz more creatine means more ATP & more ATP means more muscles power. Which will help you to lift more thereby leading to the growth of muscles.

Others think that after a workout it is beneficial. During the workout, our muscles are completely depleted. And if they are provided with protein, carbs & creatine then they will completely absorb everything. The same is also stated in research that our muscles grow by 1.7% more in comparison to creatine taken during pre-workout. [1] But as this change is not that significant as per research standards so it is neglected.

Another research says that it doesn’t matter whether you are taking creatine post or pre-workout. [2].

One more study which is done on a group of people for 10 weeks. Where one group is given creatine pre & post-workout along with carbs & protein. While the other group is given creatine during the morning & evening along with carbs & protein.

After 10 weeks it is seen that the group which has been given creatine close to the workout timing has a significant increase in muscles & strength in comparison to the group to whom creatine is given in the morning & evening. So the ideal way to have creatine is to have half the amount before the workout & another half after the workout. [3]

Research says that it is better to have creatine with carbs & protein rather than having it alone. As creatine saturation in muscles is higher if taken with protein & carbs rather than taken alone. But this difference is prominent during the initial days of having creatine.[4][5]

Caffeine & Creatine:

In studies, it is seen that caffeine & creatine has an individual ergogenic effect on our muscles’ strength but it is seen if taken together caffeine curbs the effect of creatine. And this happens bcoz both have an opposing effect on muscle relaxation time. As one increases the relaxation time while the other decreases. This also causes gastrointestinal side effects which affect our progress. Avoid having caffeine to get maximum benefits of creatine. [6]

In a 2018 study, a group is given 3gms of creatine/day & another group is given 5gms of creatine/day for 35 days. Where it is seen that the people who are given 3gms & 5gms of creatine have a significant increase in strength in comparison to the placebo group. But there is no considerable change of strength between the groups who had 3gms/day & 5gms/day of creatine. Thereby, concluding that 3gms/day of creatine is enough. [7]

Creatine saturation in muscle takes time somewhat 3-4 weeks. It won’t happen overnight if you load your body at once with an excess quantity of creatine.

Now in two ways, you can saturate your muscles through creatine.

Loading Protocol: In which 20gms/day needs to be consumed for a week & then it can be continued with 3gms/day. If taking 20gms at once is difficult then it can be divided into 4 parts & taken along with breakfast, lunch, snacks & dinner.

Non-loading Protocol- In which 3gms /day needs to be consumed. Mostly within a month, the muscle gets saturated with creatine. This can 3gms /day needs to be continued.

Creatine works better if taken continuously.

Loading protocol seems to be good as you are able to saturate muscles within a short period of time. But having this much in a single day might upset stomachs for a few. So for them, non loading protocol is good.

Creatine increases body weight. Creatine has a strong affinity toward water molecules. So as creatine stores start filling up, our muscles also retain water thereby increasing overall body weight. It is an advantage for those who needs a sole look.

Many people think creatine & creatinine are the same. As they both sound almost similar. But there is a big difference between them.

Creatine which we use as a supplement is also produced by our body in the liver, kidney & pancreas is transported to our skeletal muscles through our blood for energy to our muscles & nerve cells.

Whereas Creatinine is a biological waste product produced from our skeletal muscles & transported to our kidneys through blood in order to get excreted in form of urine.

Creatinine level in our blood determines our kidney function. For a healthy kidney, the creatinine levels are 0.6-1.2mg/ml. High levels of creatinine in the blood is found in the case of chronic kidney disease.

But Creatine has no relation to creatinine. So creatine is completely safe for everyone. Moreover, researchers say the same that long term creatine supplementation has no adverse effect on our health status [8]

As these things are not addictive & don’t have any side effects you can leave this any time you want. Now as you have complete information on creatine, you can go ahead and drink your poison to smash the weights on the floor.

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